Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day: Singapore

This past weekend we celebrated Valentine's Day here in Singapore. That's right; we were actually here! We have a new tradition (recommended by my Cousin Blake and his wife, Amanda) Cody plans 12/5 (Anniversary) and I plan 2/14. I really like it when there are clear expectations and plans so I was immediately a big fan of the idea. I had so much fun thinking about our schedule for the V-Day extravaganza!!! Cody may not admit it, but I may have worn him outthere was a 3 mile run, basketball, and golf all in the same day. We had a lot of fun! 

I also had some time to reflect on Love... I recently started reading Grace Awakening and this quote resonated with me, "Love that goes upward is worship; love that goes outward is affection; love that stoops is grace." - Donald Barnhouse 

The love that Cody and I have for one another is only possible through the love that God has for us (1 John 4:19). It has been a year of [trying] learning what Christlike love looks like and it has been quite the [good/difficult] challenge to learn how to show that to one another. 

We are working to create true intimacy through a shared love of The Lord, prayer, a culture of confession, and honesty. It's a different approach to love than we have had in the past, but I can already see the difference that it's made. We are growing and that's a good thing. 

Thankful to have the prayerful support of friends and family as we continue in our life overseas!


Christie and Cody

Schedule of all Schedules 
Handmade Cards. Teddy Bears. Basketball. Golf. 
Lone Survivor. Cheeseburgers. Champagne. Call of Duty. 
Dinner at Roadhouse 

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