Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hello 404 West Polk Avenue!

We are finally back in America after a honeymoon and Christmas cruise! We've been moving and slowly unpacking all of our clothes and wedding presents into the new place. Finished pictures to come soon. Right now... it looks like a crime was committed in our bathroom since we decided to paint it red; I guess it might need another coat?

All the thank you notes have been mailed, thank you very much. We're so blessed to have been given so many nice things, and I'm having a lot of fun opening boxes and finding places for all of our new gadgets. When will we need a lazy susan fondue pot? Immediately I say!

Since we've been home Cody has been hard at work at Deloitte and when I'm finished unpacking I'll be looking for that career move as well. Let me know if you have my dream job!

All of our love to everyone! Thanks for checking up on us; we'll post again soon. XOXO