Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Far East(er)

We celebrated Easter just a little bit ahead of our friends and family this year... 13 hours to be exact. Nothing makes you miss Texas more than when your loved ones are gathering together and you have to miss it, but we were able to share in some of the festivities even on the other side of the world. Thank goodness for technology! It was also a wonderful surprise to get an Easter basket from Kaydee:  chocolate and a sock puppet bunny made it all the way from America! My sweet Grandboo also sent her love via the Singapore Post. Mail is such a treat over here and we're thankful to have such thoughtful people in our lives.

Oh OH oh!!! My cousin KATELYN IS ENGAGED!!! Her fiance, Tyler, popped the question before Easter weekend and we are just thrilled for the both of them! We got to send our love via youtube-Harlem Shake style.

Cody and I have recently spent some time reflecting on the opportunity that we have being overseas. For me, I am literally living out a dream and crossing off a big time bucket list item. I know that it was God's plan for us to be located where we are and that there are no accidents when it comes to who we interact with. Our prayer is that our lives will be a testimony of the love that Christ has for us. All in all, that's what Easter is all about. Even though we weren't able to be with our loved ones this year, I can rejoice in the promise that we will spend eternity together...when that time comes. For now, we're enjoying this incredible, albeit very different life on the other side of the world. 

Have I mentioned how much I miss Mexican food, the Tahoe, and you guys?? Sometimes I forget we live in Asia. :) 



P.S. The 4 countries in 4 weeks tour starts tomorrow. Yay! 

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